#meta 2025-02-17

2025-02-17 UTC
I am happy with either one.
I am using FractalKitty (camel case on the planning page and kinda like that, but am not picky. Let me know if I mess anything up - I am learning.
gRegor joined the channel
You can use either {{fractalkitty}} or {{FractalKitty}} now. I redirected the latter so there's just one template now.
Thank you!
barnaby, CRISPR, [dave], capjamesg, hedy, vikanezrimaya, [KevinMarks], [schmarty] and [Murray] joined the channel
wait you are log wikipedia?
Only a few relevant pages
Is there a good way to make a wiki page of all past HWC notes? I look back to previous weeks often and wondered if this is easy to do in MediaWiki without tagging all notes in a category.
gRegor joined the channel
Should be included at the bottom of each HWC wiki page
added at archive time I believe.
MW has a prefix-based search, so you could get a list of all pages starting with /events* https://indieweb.org/Special:PrefixIndex
Yep, template gets added by Cali. Updating the template is still manual until it hurts though :)
I see a media wiki extension called <DynamicPageList> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList but I do not believe it is added and enabled in the indieweb wiki. But even that is not including whole chunks of content, it appears designed to make lists of pages.
Now that we have the Notes field in Meetable, events starting from a couple months ago pretty reliably have links to their wiki pages. I've been trying to add those as I go, though don't plan to go back through historical events
But the tag archive could still work: https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwc/archive
Hm, actually even before the notes field, I was updating the description to link to the wiki... so a lot of those the last couple years should have wiki links at least.
In terms of spidering content I recently wrote code to pull and repost my own indieweb wiki user page https://artlung.com/indieweb . But I'm sure James you can write (and have written) your own scraper.
I pull everything inside `#mw-content-text`, normalize links to resolve to http://indieweb.org, and drop `div.printFooter`
gRegor has 45 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
That's neat, are your mirroring your user page on your site, [Joe_Crawford]?
*you mirroring
Yes, Iā€™m working on a lighter framework to pull in and create new pages. And I made this one example.
edited /2024/SD (+512) "/* Health and Safety */ +About this policy with links"
(view diff)
edited /health-and-safety (+79) "/* IndieWebCamp Examples */ 2024/SD"
(view diff)
Very cool!
(both your mirror and that screenshot)
[qubyte], sebbu2 and aelaraji2 joined the channel