[tantek]looks like we lost some max-width:100% rule on Image: or File: wiki syntax local upload embeds so hero images may exceed the content width and overlap right column / sidebar. anyone else seeing this?
Loqiđ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż Edinburgh is a city in Scotland that held an IndieWebCamp in 2015, and a Homebrew Website Club meetup from 2015-08-13 to 2016-02-09 which is restarting in 2024 https://indieweb.org/Edinburgh
gRegorSo I guess my browsing has been that way for a while, don't have a point of comparison and might not have gotten into the main CSS. Sorry for rabbit trail :)
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Common.css (+22) "add .mw-default-size img for the max-width rule since class name changes in the template seem to have side-stepped the prior rule, to avoid Image: or File: images displaying larger than their container and overlapping adjacent text / sidebars etc." (view diff)
gRegorHaha, not sure. The other one in my custom styles was from that chat with Paul, not sure if that made it into the vector updates he was making at the time. That was for the search icon on mobile.