#microformats 2011-08-12
2011-08-12 UTC
Askarii and singpolyma joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/rahelab] At the RDFa vs microformats vs schema.org meet-up. Where's my geek badge? #contentstrategy #seo #semanticweb

Loqi [http://twitter.com/joseuonline] streaming live - Vancouver SEM Metup (#SEO) rdf, microformats, schema.org - can you see this? http://ow.ly/61i7f

Loqi [http://twitter.com/360Raleigh] I'm giving away TEN 360Raleigh hCards worth hundreds in discounts if we reach 500 Facebook Page Likes before we... http://fb.me/FhlZQCwF

KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks is Loqi a bot? Tantek was talking to Loqi earlier

KevinMarks where's your source, Loqi?

nonge and nonge_ joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/cellartracker] @jeremyross Yes I tagged with microformats back in March and applied to have Google recognize them. They seem to have just turned them on.

hober and Atamido joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/leadingsource] I became a representative for www.hCard.com today! Our Mission is best explained at www.fundingtheheartofamerica.com. Way cool!

tantek joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/neogeografen] Lykkes at flette AC/DC-Hemingway ind i et indlæg om Vesterbros kirker http://t.co/LewulbL

Askarii, KevinMarks, abki|home, voxpelli, csarven, ChiefRA and tantek joined the channel
ChiefRA guys, have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgFb6Y-UJUI&feature=feedu
Loqi [http://twitter.com/bunrod] @netcom_ks Godt Ã¥ høre :) Men sim-nr blir vanskelig, modifiserte sim-kortet til microformat da jeg veksler mellom iPad og Minirutern...

Amorphous joined the channel
tantek ChiefRA - good find, watching now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgFb6Y-UJUI on rel=author

ChiefRA tantek thanks, the next one on the same line is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG3Oh7Ues8A&feature=feedu
ChiefRA is by linking back from the authors authentic profile,
ChiefRA back to the rspective site.
ChiefRA they give this example only with Google Profile +
ChiefRA yeah, at least this is what I've understood: you post on site1.com a post written by autor X
ChiefRA then, from this post on site1.com , put a link with rel=author to either a bio page of the Author X on the same website1.com, or to his BIO website.
ChiefRA and to close the loop and give credentials that, this post is indeed written by the original author, you have to link back from the BIO website of that Author X, back to that specific post.
ChiefRA its on early starting, they said. maybe they'll modify it in time, but as they try to implement all of these with the help of Schema, instead of actual HTML4 like microformats...
ChiefRA mhm...
ChiefRA we'll see.
ChiefRA My supposition is ( hope is not the mother of all fuckups in this case) that this is widely implemented allready, not just on Google profile.
ChiefRA as this is done automatically.
ChiefRA :)) they are humans after all :P
ChiefRA they started for a few days, to make these types of more advanced videos...
ChiefRA and a lot more to come as I see it.
tantek ChiefRA - want to add a link to that video to http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-author ?

ChiefRA sure, should I add both of them ?
ChiefRA ok.
ChiefRA :)) I'll add only the first one.
ChiefRA ok, I'll manage it and then, I'll tell you to have a look at it.
ChiefRA what do you mena by clever hack?
ChiefRA mean*
ChiefRA sorry, been on the phone
ChiefRA I was reading the explicit info posted on google website about authro
ChiefRA author*
ChiefRA ok
ChiefRA tantek like this ?
nonge and andr3 joined the channel
chiefra edited /rel-author (+729) "adding Google videos and examples of implementation" (view diff)
ChiefRA ok tantek have a look.
andr3 joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/RexSFO] Would like to chat w/ fellow #mozcon r's re: use of #Schema #RDFa & #Microformats: hands on implementation & thoughts? #ThankYou! anyone?

tantek edited /rel-author (+860) "add entry-title, tweak summary to refer to relation, and document implementation vs extensions, add see also" (view diff)
ChiefRA oh boy, tantek you're page looks more professional :))
ChiefRA thanks for the help :)
ChiefRA you're version of it* looks great
ChiefRA you're welcome, it's my pleasure to help us getting better and better.
ChiefRA to evolve I may say :)
Loqi [http://twitter.com/RexSFO] On @Quora: Schema, RDFa or microformats? Which is best for long-term success in a com… Answer: http://qr.ae/7rcGk

ChiefRA tantek I should add the author parameter to this page as well: http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values
ChiefRA so where this rel value should be posted first to consider that it is exists ?
ChiefRA to consider that a certain value exists, should be mentioned first in an official document on W3C or smth?
Loqi [http://twitter.com/bencolclough] faffing around with bleeding facebook like buttons not working and google not picking up microformats - aaah wish never had begun

Loqi [http://twitter.com/g_mawr] @briansuda I'm trying to download your PHP code for x2v from http://t.co/HHkOtl3 I can't find it. Could I trouble you for the link?

Loqi [http://twitter.com/travelfish] @bencolclough have been waiting for microformat pickup for about three years. Get a cuppa :)

Loqi [http://twitter.com/briansuda] @g_mawr try an older check-in http://bit.ly/q2jPDu

kennyluck joined the channel
singpolyma tantek: the query param hack is understandable, but it's not a good idea. you end up sending data to remote sites which may change things over there (there will definitely be someone who has ?rel= or ?type= mean something to their app)

singpolyma oh, he's out. maybe I'll repeat later. if I remember :P

tantek and ericduran joined the channel
ChiefRA [17:29] <singpolyma> tantek: the query param hack is understandable, but it's not a good idea. you end up sending data to remote sites which may change things over there (there will definitely be someone who has ?rel= or ?type= mean something to their app)
ChiefRA [17:30] <singpolyma> oh, he's out. maybe I'll repeat later. if I remember :P
ChiefRA I've repasted while you were gone tantek.
ChiefRA guys, have a nice weekend, see you monday. bye
Loqi [http://twitter.com/mamund] "Shut down the RDFa/Microdata Task Force initiative" - Manu Sporny http://j.mp/pNgDBC #RDF #LOD #RDFa #Microdata #microformats #W3C

andr3_, andr3, voxpelli and tantek joined the channel
Loqi [http://twitter.com/jalbertbowdenii] @css3gallery @triptych im entirely biased here, but microformats + POSH already do that. idk about revolutionize...

Askarii joined the channel
singpolyma tantek: oh, there's a wiki page? good. I was mostly just skimming backscroll

singpolyma goes

Loqi [http://twitter.com/jeffsayre] Re-reading this great article, An Uber-comparison of #RDFa, #Microdata and #Microformats http://t.co/ytzO0uo /by @manusporny #LinkedData

singpolyma edited /rel-author (+266) "/* query parameter alternative */ query params are not for the author's use" (view diff)
patcito, andr3, patcito_, Askarii, tantek and nonge joined the channel