JonathanNealright, like what you might use with a <nav> to specify which link is current, or which links contain the current page, or what the state of certain links might be.
tommorristantek: so, there's some overlap. in the openstreetmap world, there's a tool called OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine) which does driving directions. it exports as GPX. I'll look at the markup and XML they use
tantekedited /directions-formats (-32) "entry-title fix, contributors from edit history not explicit list (that goes out of date, encourages bad behavior etc.)" (view diff)
magregg51created /Malcom_X_Islam_Is_The_True_Religion_. (+3159) "Over the years, the paparazzi has snapped shots of dozens of musicians, actors, and models toting some of the fashion house most coveted purses, wallets, and sunglasses. Is the store really selling authentic Jordans shoes?" (view diff)
JonathanNealwhen you've worked hard to understand something you are building for the web, but you never fully get it, so you research it, and finally, months later, you come across a website that claims to have an example of how to do it right … and it's the one you originally wrote.
tantekJonathanNeal - I think with the development of microformats2 - we can propose a very simple breadcrumbs microformat - much simpler than existing solutions.
JonathanNealMaybe history answers this. Traditionally, a glossary is an alphabetical list of terms and their definitions, while an index is a list of topics in alphabetical order with page numbers
tantekcreated /breadcrumbs-brainstorming (+4063) "draft based on the two common properties of existing breadcrumb formats, and microformats2 capabilities" (view diff)
JonathanNeal"home" defines itself, and I would like to clarify it without removing any intended ambiguity. Current it is "indicates that the [referenced document] is the homepage of the site in which the current page appears."
JonathanNeal"home" typically means "introduction" and "top level", in the current microformats definition it says "[home] can be combined with 'alternate' to indicate for example a feed for the site of the current page". "site" emphasises its "top level"-ness.
JonathanNealSo, would it be best to define "home" sympathetic to both, as in "Refers to the introductory, top level document for the current document." ?
tantekJonathanNeal - do you think there's an expectation for breadcrumb links that if you do go "up" a level, that at that level, there's a link to the current page?
tanteklike if I have just one <a class="h-breadcrumb" href="foo"> on a page, then on page "foo" I'd expect it link to the current page in the content or in a list etc. - some way to go back down the path.
gavincTrying to edit a factually wrong part of just a W3C document that just got published, and just in the status section. It is amazing how much "You can't do that" one gets
gavincwith implementor hat on I have the most sympathy... except it's WRONG. With Editor hat on, how the heck did that get into the document in the first place?! With AC hat on... I PAY FOR THIS?!
JonathanNealtantek: I do want to make those edits, because they would be helpful to anyone writing html that follows those link relations. However, I wanted to give them one voice in a fork, and not live, so we could discuss the changes in easy comparison.