#microformats 2013-10-18

2013-10-18 UTC
tantek, nonge and tommorris joined the channel
edited /h2vx (+523) "/* feedback */ microformats2 support and HTML5 tags support requests"
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tantek: h2vx microformats-2 support seems... unlikely
hacking XSLT to read a list of pre-canned classnames is one thing. hacking it to read classnames that start p- or u- or whatnot is a hack too far
tommorris - I may hack x2v to just look for the h-card and h-event classnames
that way it can get "good enough" microformats2 support
tobyink, jfranusic, eschnou, chiui, rknLA, lmjabreu, benward, barnabywalters, adactio, charl_, TallTed and tantek joined the channel
jgay, waterbaby999, tobyink, tantek, shaners, tantek_, gavinc, TallTed, iwaim_ and barnabywalters joined the channel