#microformats 2013-10-19

2013-10-19 UTC
tantek joined the channel
nonge_, tobyink, eschnou and tantek joined the channel
Author hReview: Show Google Rich Snippet Star Rating in Search Results http://roadtoblogging.com/show-star-rating-in-google-search/
eschnou and jschweinsberg joined the channel
jschweinsberg joined the channel
@EchiRismawan kalo punya krtu hcard biasanya ada diskon tambahan \(´▽`)/
tobyink joined the channel
Today APUS Given Dharna Notice2 CS On 30 Dmnds: *Cashles,Limitless HCards,*40% IR *PET&Pndit... https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=658941367472433&id=646921212007782
danielfilho, tantek, eschnou, jschweinsberg and barnabywalters joined the channel
!tell barnabywalters why is the mf2 parser finding an h-card here? http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/11/esri-portland-at-realtime-conf/
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
!tell barnabywalters oh looks like because convert classic mf is on, which turns the "author" class into a p-author and h-card. I kind of think that shouldn't be a thing that happens automatically given the generic class names in mf1
Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
tobyink, jschweinsberg, Soopaman, tantek, eschnou and brianloveswords joined the channel
What do you mean? I see the hReview editor options on pages and posts alike, not just posts. (@YouTube http://www.youtube.com/)