#microformats 2013-11-02

2013-11-02 UTC
KevinMarks_ and Atamido joined the channel
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
* HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parnts Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
KevinMarks and tobyink joined the channel
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parnts Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parnts Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
tantek, charl_, pfefferle and xtof joined the channel
#Plugin Author hReview para #WordPress - Avaliação em estrelas no #Google http://diegopsilva.com.br/plugin-author-hreview/ via @diegopsilvabr
#Plugin Author hReview para #WordPress - Avaliação em estrelas no #Google... http://diegopsilva.com.br/plugin-author-hreview/
tswicegood, rknLA, jgay, tantek, encolpe, tobyink, brianloveswords and barnabywalters joined the channel
Note the backwards domains, and the required overhead, when the app could just claim the url via an intent
tantek, tobyink, xtof and tantek_ joined the channel
tantek and pfefferle joined the channel