#microformats 2013-11-03

2013-11-03 UTC
tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parnts Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
tantek, Atamido, tobyink and robmorrissey joined the channel
HCARDS for Employe: Wife Children Parents Woman Employees: Unemployed Husband Husbands parents Children Un married daughters Widows Diverse
robmorrissey, tobyink, brianloveswords, tantek, eschnou, tantek_ and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Duurzaam Leuke recensie uit #Eindhoven: India's echtpaar woont nu blij op blote voeten dankzij TONZON Vloerisolatie http://tonzon.nl/recensies/#hreview-16
krijnh and tantek joined the channel