#microformats 2014-02-19

2014-02-19 UTC
Chief|AFK, caseorganic, encolpe, elux, krijnhoetmer, twisted`, tantek, joeysim, xtof, eschenal and pfefferle joined the channel
edited /rel-author-fr (+80) "/* Google */"
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romainneutron, eschenal, joeysim, Atamido, barnabywalters, pfefferle, adactio, waterbaby999, elux, caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
adactio: RE rel=source, http://joeyh.name/rfc/rel-vcs/ is prior art used by tools including https://github.com/cweiske/phorkie
Ah, good. That's a bit more specific than just source but they could certainly be used together: rel="source vcs"
yeah, the higher specificity makes it useful for discovery and UIs, e.g. you can make a silo-independent “fork this project” web action button using it
where a rel=vcs-git link on waterpigs.co.uk could link to a repo on github.com, and someone’s self-hosted git web UI could use it to create a button which forks the git project
it also reminds me a little of the meta elements used by the Go package manager
that’s significantly more specific, and targeted purely at machines rather than human-readable data, would arguably be better implemented as human-visible data
philipashlock joined the channel
so "source" meaning "source code" seems a bit more esoteric than "source" meaning "where something is from"
"vcs" seems specific enough though
joeysim, brianloveswords, philipashlock, KevinMarks and eschnou joined the channel
edited /process-fr (+129) "/* tout d'abord ayez quelque expérience */"
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edited /value-class-pattern-fr (+113) "/* Parser une valeur provenant d'un attribut title */"
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philipashlock, eschnou, tantek, joeysim, caseorganic, caseorga_, encolpe and KevinMarks__ joined the channel