#microformats 2014-02-20

2014-02-20 UTC
caseorganic joined the channel
philipashlock joined the channel
edited /seo () "(-6564) revert to most recent non-spam version"
(view diff)
stupid seo spammers. dumb enough to not see it as a honeypot? lol
globbot, eschnou, joeysim, KevinMarks, jcbsnd, pfefferle, romainneutron, barnabywalters, encolpe, uf-wiki-visitor, adactio, krijnhoetmer_, tobyink_, KevinMarks___, xxtjaxx_, krijnhoetmer, matthias_pfeffer, twisted`, reidab_, netweb, tobyink, grosroro and elux joined the channel
romainneutron, philipashlock, barnabywalters and tantek joined the channel
joeysim, KevinMarks_, eschnou, philipashlock, caseorganic, netweb, delcoyote, ChanServ, bret, danielfilho, ivc, Hixie, edsu, iwaim___, lmjabreu, Garbee, tommorris, hober, Chief|AFK, Atamido, brianloveswords, globbot, KevinMarks___, xxtjaxx_, krijnhoetmer, reidab, elux, tobyink, JonathanNeal, termie_, mko, encolpe, twisted`, KevinMarks2, termie, KevinMarks, tantek and AskMP joined the channel