#microformats 2014-02-23

2014-02-23 UTC
Phae, globbot, twisted`, edsu, tommorris and caseorganic joined the channel
Hcards: Govt finalized 18 members steering committee .They accepted only 7 members of the Unions[not12] and Govt. officials 11 members
caseorganic, twisted`, globbot, Phae, edsu, Chief|AFK, delcoyote, xxtjaxx, rknLA, JonathanNeal, mko, netweb, danielfilho_, krijnhoetmer, KevinMarks_, termeye, brianloveswords, Atamido, iwaim___, Hixie, ivc, bret, ChanServ and joeysim joined the channel
RT @t: mentioned, since learned/made * IRC+wiki works * syndication: hentry * recommendation: hreview * markup for time: http://t.co/3DUzme…
joeysim, JonathanNeal, rknLA, Phae, reidab, lmjabreu, Loqi, caseorganic, barnabywalters, globbot, Phae_ and twisted` joined the channel
I used the movies page to test out my new design: http://t.co/YaQAyITkgO. Uses #html, #css, #JavaScript, #OpenGraph, #TwitterCard, #hReview…
twisted` joined the channel