#microformats 2014-02-24

2014-02-24 UTC
twisted` and JonathanNeal joined the channel
tantek and caseorganic joined the channel
edited /link-preview-brainstorming (+94) "more see also"
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edited /link-preview-formats (+39) "see also"
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JonathanNeal, joeysim and tantek_ joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic, adactio, joeysim, encolpe and waterbaby999 joined the channel
microformats2 is on the learning list too. wondering about retro compability. #WebDesign
Loqi joined the channel
edited /h-entry (+149) "clarify u-photo purpose for any entry"
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edited /link-preview (+124) "see also"
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philipashlock and caseorganic joined the channel
edited /link-preview-formats (+346) "OEmbed"
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JonathanNeal_, caseorganic, Phae__, reidab, JonathanNeal, tantek, TallTed, tommorris, danielfilho, waterbaby999, bret, elux, Atamido, jgay, eschnou, bretolius, philipashlock, jcbsnd, tantek-ipod, barnabywalters, hober, joeysim, netweb and uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel