#microformats 2014-02-27

2014-02-27 UTC
KevinMarks, hober, romainneutron, caseorganic, tantek, KevinMarks_, philipashlock, eschnou, joeysim, pfefferle, termeye and barnabywalters joined the channel
Hvordan er consensus omkring microformats (hcard, rel, xfn osv) i html 5? Er de tiden værd eller er det spildte kræfter? Bruger I dem?
caseorganic joined the channel
hCard の定義例 #RWABookja で出てきたので見てる / “hcard - Microformats” http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard
pfefferle, waterbaby999 and joeysim joined the channel
@orange_claire nope, <time> ist ein exaktes datum, kein zeitraum. du könntest aber das hCalendar-Microformat nehmen: http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar
alpsの定義を参照するのに なんでIISのエラーに遭遇するのか笑ってしまう #RWABooksja / “hcard” http://alps.io/microformats/hcard
@orange_claire schau dir mal das meeting example bei hcalendar an, das müsste in deine richtung gehen
pfefferle, barnabywalters, joeysim, romainneutron, philipashlock, TallTed, jgay, hober2, tantek and elux joined the channel
edited /admin-to-do (+144) "/* wiki problems */ possible special:version garbage culprit: mediawiki-entry-title-override"
(view diff)
eschnou, caseorganic, encolpe, jgay, romainneutron, tantek, ChiefRA, Chief|AFK and Guest46192 joined the channel