#microformats 2014-02-28

2014-02-28 UTC
Guest46192, KevinMarks, danielfilho, JonathanNeal, iwaim___, termeye, ChiefRA, tantek_, tommorris and twisted` joined the channel
Microformats (hCard, hCalendar, etc) are pretty much dead, right?
tantek_, KevinMarks, aaronpk, philipashlock and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
@britt whereas an hcard can create an address book entry
KevinMarks, sokolovs, tantek, eschnou, ChiefRA, barnabywalters, romainneutron, adactio, elux, philipashlock, TallTed, pfefferle, brianloveswords, philipashlock_, Garbee and jgay joined the channel
edited /rel-home (+187) "/* Examples in the Wild */"
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edited /rel-home (-30) "/* Examples in the Wild */"
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edited /rel-home (+1) "/* Examples in the Wild */"
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elux, pfefferle, caseorganic, caseorga_, eschnou, ChiefRA, brianloveswords, joeysim, tantek and romainneutron joined the channel