#microformats 2014-03-13

2014-03-13 UTC
philipashlock, encolpe, barnabywalters, caseorganic, JonathanNeal, rknLA_, krijnhoetmer, iwaim____, tantek, krendil and KevinMarks joined the channel
caseorganic, philipashlock, krendil, joeysim, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and eschnou joined the channel
dvirsky, joeysim, rknLA and barnabywalters joined the channel
time to update microformats2 examples in the wild! so many new sites
adactio and barnabywalters joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (+1298) "/* Examples in the wild */ Added a bunch of h-card h-entry examples"
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joeysim, philipashlock, pluma, krendil, elux and adactio_ joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (+1614) "/* Examples in the wild */ added a bunch more examples"
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TallTed joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (-1) "/* Examples in the wild */ fixed typo"
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edited /introduction-fr (+64) "/* En savoir plus */"
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MacTed, pluma_, barnabywalters, pluma and elux joined the channel
edited /h-review-feedback (+84) "/* Consistency with other microformats */ added e-description => e-content proposal, signed"
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philipashlock joined the channel
edited /h-entry (+344) "Added u-like-of, u-repost-of, added examples to p-comment and in-reply-to"
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edited /h-entry (+215) "/* Properties */ Added u-syndication experimental property with example, clarifed what it means to be in use in the wild"
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edited /h-entry (+73) "/* Properties */ added aaronpk example for u-photo"
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barnabywalters, tantek, elux, spikey, philipashlock, mko, elux_, eschnou, KevinMarks, dvirsky, dvirsky_, joeysim, iwaim____, tantek_ and caseorganic joined the channel
@t @microformats the hReview creator is broken when you put in a review and a description.