#microformats 2014-03-14

2014-03-14 UTC
tantek, dvirsky, Atamido, Atamido_, krendil, philipashlock, joeysim, pluma, barnabywalters and adactio joined the channel
edited /h-entry (+1097) "/* Compat FAQ */ documented reasoning behind renaming entry-* properties with references to hAtom FAQ and 2012-08-30 IRC conversation"
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charl, TallTed, ChiefRA and elux joined the channel
I’m getting lots of out-of-memory errors when trying to edit the microformats wiki — who’s in charge of that server?
edited /microformats2 (+144) "/* Examples in the wild */ added davidjohnmead.com"
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encolpe, tantek, philipashlock, dvirsky and caseorganic joined the channel
oh dear, now the microformats wiki is acting up?
iwaim______, dvirsky and JonathanNeal joined the channel