#microformats 2014-03-15

2014-03-15 UTC
krijnhoetmer_, dvirsky_, Phae__, iwaim_______, rknLA_, charl, encolpe, tantek, encolpe_, caseorganic, krendil, ChiefRA, philipashlock, globbot, Phae, tommorris, JonathanNeal, lmjabreu, twisted`, iwaim, Guest46192, barnabywalters, joeysim and kylewm joined the channel
[migrated here from #indiewebcamp, sorry for x-posting]
I'm looking at the microformats test suite, had a question about relative -> absolute urls... e.g., in https://github.com/microformats/tests/blob/master/h-review.html I see <img class="u-photo" src="images/photo.gif" /> with expected output "photo": ["http://example.com/images/photo.gif"]. where did http://example.com come from in the expected output ?
joeysim, barnabywalters, tantek, krendil, JonathanNeal, Phae, twisted`, rknLA, KevinMarks and Garbee joined the channel
tantek joined the channel