#microformats 2014-03-19

2014-03-19 UTC
caseorga_, KevinMarks2, tantek, philipashlock, Atamido, caseorganic, dvirsky, joeysim, KevinMarks3, eschnou, blad3 and edsu joined the channel
SK pleased to host 300 guests at today's HReview: Employment Standards Basics. Check our website for next breakfast seminar date and topic.
eschnou, philipashlock, barnabywalters, elux, caseorganic and brianloveswords joined the channel
tantek, caseorganic, KevinMarks2, iwaim, TallTed, philipashlock, eschnou, brianloveswords, caseorga_ and dvirsky joined the channel
edited /microformats2-parsing (+526) "/* parsing for implied properties */ add rule for when parsing implied photo&url properties, they should be converted relative -> absolute"
(view diff)
caseorganic and philipashlock joined the channel