#microformats 2014-03-20

2014-03-20 UTC
KevinMarks, philipashlock, tantek, KevinMarks_, netweb, caseorganic, krendil, eschnou, joeysim, dvirsky, barnabywalters, TallTed, pfefferle, dvirsky_ and elux joined the channel
My #FirstTweet 22 Feb 2007:"Enabling microformats (hCal, hCard,hResume...) in my latest web project :)" Just like yesterday! #webdevelopment
KevinMarks, barnabywalters, caseorganic, caseorga_, tantek, portenkirchner, eschnou and cweiske joined the channel
Hi. How do I mark up a h-event that is on a specific day, all day long?
i.e. a birthday or anniversary
I only use dt-start now
krendil, KevinMarks, caseorganic, elux, netweb and tantek joined the channel