#microformats 2014-04-08

2014-04-08 UTC
caseorganic, caseorga_, philipashlock, KevinMarks_, iSRAELi and eschnou joined the channel
Giveaway: Author HReview Pro plugin Multi-Site Licenses http://ift.tt/1ieH6fX
chiui, eschnou, krendil, philipashlock, krijnhoetmer_, iSRAELi, netweb, adactio, Exploter, benward, JonathanNeal, globbot, tommorris, bret, hober, mko, Garbee and twisted` joined the channel
Giveaway multi-site licenses of Author HReview Pro plugin #WordPress #giveaway http://www.indexwp.com/giveaway-author-hreview-pro/
Loqi, pfefferle, KevinMarks, tommorris, delcoyote, eschnou, ivc\zz, reidab, bret, caseorganic, tantek and rknLA joined the channel
Need Microformat in TWiki? There is a plugin for that http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/MicroformatsPlugin #opensource #e20 #microformat #hcard #hevent
JohnBeales joined the channel
RT @twiki: Need Microformat in TWiki? There is a plugin for that http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/MicroformatsPlugin #opensource #e20 #microformat #hcard #hevent
philipashlock, iSRAELi, KevinMarks, JohnBeales, caseorganic, joeysim, pfefferle, krendil, barnabywalters, AskMP, KevinMarks_ and caseorga_ joined the channel