#microformats 2014-04-16

2014-04-16 UTC
KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks2, philipashlock and joeysim joined the channel
african safari holiday packages
edited /hcalendar-examples-in-wild () "(-44586) Replacing page with 'Offering some of the best Safari packages in Africa. Creating opportunities for guests to enter Big 5’s natural environment. Offering tailored [http://www.tryzimbabwe.net/i...'"
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tantek, joeysim and chiui joined the channel
edited /blog-post-examples () "(-18219)"
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charl_, bupkes, krendil, chiui_, joeysim and waterbaby999 joined the channel
edited /blog-post-formats () "(-29026)"
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barnabywalters, joeysim, adactio, chiui, krendil, bupkes, tantek, TallTed and philipashlock joined the channel
@CAAMinLA in conjunction w/QB exhibition is hosting 'Black Men and Police Protocol' panel discussion Sun 4/27. RSVP http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/?eID=4161
brianloveswords, eschnou, TallTed, tantek, joeysim, caseorga_, caseorg__, krendil, caseorganic, KevinMarks and philipashlock joined the channel