#microformats 2014-05-02

2014-05-02 UTC
KevinMarks2, KartikPrabhu1, elux, philipashlock and brianloveswords joined the channel
I Got The HCard And High Af😂😻👌👅💦
!spammer @ummtoria69 ?
Only aaronpk and tantek can do that
KevinMarks2, eschnou, charl_, edsu_, tommorris_, eschenal, danielfilho, globbot, Garbee, krendil and barnabywalters joined the channel
TallTed, eschenal, philipashlock, elux, KartikPrabhu, brianloveswords, jgay, barnabywalters, caseorganic and KevinMarks joined the channel
Lasst uns das #Web #semantisch machen! http://pubrika.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/lasst-uns-das-web-semantisch-machen/ @t do you happen to know, when @h2vx will speak #microformats2? #SemanticWeb