#microformats 2014-05-03

2014-05-03 UTC
KevinMarks2, otterdam, krendil, netweb, benward, rknLA, tommorris_, Phae, lmjabreu, twisted`, eschenal, Garbee, globbot, reidab, barnabywalters, charl_, KevinMarks3 and elux joined the channel
I'm a bit confused about the value-class-pattern. http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern#Basic_Parsing says that value class pattern does not affect URL properties but http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_a_u-_property has a value-class-pattern step...
kylewm, eschnou, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel