#microformats 2014-05-15

2014-05-15 UTC
caseorganic, brianloveswords, bret, Rastus_Vernon, voxpelli and benward joined the channel
caseorganic, tantek, joeysim, KevinMarks_, Garbee and eschnou joined the channel
pfefferle, charl_, ChiefRA, joeysim, chiui, caseorganic, krendil and barnabywalters joined the channel
@likegroof @ppravdin эко тебя вставило-то)) hReview у Яндекса еще в начале 2012 года появился. Кто там на ком чо оттачивал?))
joeysim, caseorganic, pfefferle, ChiefRA, TallTed, elux, brianloveswords, Garbee, tantek, kylewm, philipashlock, adactio, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1, iwaim__, jschweinsberg, caseorga_, krendil, eschnou, barnabywalters, Phae, voxpelli, rknLA, tommorris, benward, twisted` and danielfilho joined the channel