#microformats 2014-05-16

2014-05-16 UTC
caseorganic, KevinMarks, Rastus_Vernon, kylewm, benward, twisted`, tommorris, brianloveswords and john3213 joined the channel
Got a review WP website? Use the Author hReview plugin to get stars in the SERP: #wordpress #wpse https://twitter.com/BjornSennbrink/status/467200560442396672/photo/1
eschnou, eschenal, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, krendil, brianloveswords, ChiefRA, Hixie, barnabywalters and philipashlock joined the channel
@danbri afaik too...but i don't think anyone's been implementing them...not sure what google does with hReview
Rastus_Vernon, caseorganic, tantek, barnabywalters, KartikPrabhu, shaiguit1r, philipashlock, brianloveswords, aaronpk and iwaim__ joined the channel
Looking closely, I see why. They get fees for everything. They sent me a Ra$Hcard. #WTF
tantek, KartikPrabhu, brianloveswords and krendil joined the channel