#microformats 2014-05-22

2014-05-22 UTC
KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, tantek, caseorga_, andicascadesf, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, shaners, shaiguit1r, Guest57780, eschnou, brianloveswords, pfefferle, joeysim, robmorrissey, KevinMarks2 and krendil joined the channel
joeysim, netweb, barnabywalters, jonnybarnes, robmorri_ and pfefferle joined the channel
joeysim, pfefferle, dwayhs, robmorrissey, jonnybarnes, eschnou, brianloveswords, dwayhs_, robmorri_, elux, shaners, caseorga_, tantek, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, lmjabreu_ and krendil joined the channel
joeysim, caseorganic, Rastus_Vernon, KevinMarks2, Exploter, barnabywalters and tantek joined the channel