#microformats 2014-05-23

2014-05-23 UTC
joeysim, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, tantek, netweb, kylewm, brianloveswords and eschnou joined the channel
philipashlock, eschnou, robmorrissey, joeysim, pfefferle, adactio, jonnybarnes and iwaim__ joined the channel
@BarnabyWalters Stumbled upon your Microformats2 work, delighted to see progress but is there any sign of support from search engines?
netweb, robmorrissey, pfefferle, krendil, philipashlock, joeysim, brianloveswords, caseorganic, barnabywalters, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
edited /parsers (+32) "/* Python */ update source link to mf2py"
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robmorrissey joined the channel
edited /microformats2 (+31) "/* Python */ update source link to mf2py"
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caseorganic, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@jlsuttles Are there any more docs on the Ruby microformats2 parser? I can only find the simple usage example in... http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/05/23/2/microformats
krendil and brianloveswords joined the channel
@DeFries are you sure schema is supposed to work? their help says they recognize hCalendar https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/164506?hl=en
caseorganic, barnabywalters, pfefferle, caseorga_, brianloveswords, robmorrissey and Rastus_Vernon joined the channel