#KartikPrabhuquestion: the microformat for marking titles is p-name, but is there a way to markup sub-titles? example: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/indieweb-love-blog I want to markup "or: how I learnt to stop worrying and love the blog." as a subtitle
#KartikPrabhuthought of p-summary but that does not fit at all
#KartikPrabhuI was hoping to automatically parse my HTML article files and auto-generate the feed summaries using p-name for title and p-summary for the blurbs. Similarly auto-parse "p-subname" and include that if it isn't too long.
#KartikPrabhubut it is true that not a lot of people have subtitles on any post at all
#tantekYeah, hgroup had the same problem. Insufficient actual usage.
#KartikPrabhuif I decide to use an experimental microformat name what would you suggest? p-subname sounds not so nice :)
#tantekp-x-subtitle maybe since that's what you called it in the first place?
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#Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 6 hours, 26 minutes ago: how about commandeering "p-additional-name" from h-card to be used with h-entry for "subtitles" ?
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