#microformats 2014-06-01

2014-06-01 UTC
KevinMarks, krendil, brianloveswords, ChiefRA and tantek joined the channel
kinda wana play hcards against hnumanity
caseorganic, netweb, danielfilho, iSRAWORK, KevinMarks, ChiefRA and chiui joined the channel
TARGET SUNDAYS AT CAAM \'MUSIC MADNESS\' - ASCAP ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 1:00 PM - 05:00 PM on 06/01/2014 #helioscal http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/index.php?eID=5728
krendil, robmorrissey, brianloveswords, barnabywalters, Rastus_Vernon, jonnybarnes, KevinMarks, pfefferle, tantek, Exploter, ChiefRA, encolpe, caseorganic and philipashlock joined the channel