#microformats 2014-06-23

2014-06-23 UTC
KevinMarks, iSRAELiWORK, 1JTAAM1ST, robmorrissey, MMN-o_ and tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu: I don't think we have an official acronym. I like uf e.g. uf2.
is a stickler for Greek characters when they are needed... physics and all that :P
tantek joined the channel
Atamido joined the channel
edited /hcard-advocacy (-22) "Undo revision 64397 by [[Special:Contributions/Numpanglewat|Numpanglewat]] ([[User talk:Numpanglewat|Talk]]) => couldn't find the hcard on this page"
(view diff)
Atamido, eschnou, MMN-o, pfefferle, chiui, KevinMarks, waterbaby999, uf-wiki-visitor, robmorrissey, FND, statonjr, barnabywalters, encolpe, tantek, brianloveswords and philipashlock joined the channel
gRegor`, barnabywalters, jonnybarnes, robmorrissey, KevinMarks, tantek and chiui joined the channel
Is anyone here familiar with the Operator code and how one would go about migrating it to microformats2?
I have just pushed code to GNU social master repo which generates mf2 instead of hAtom, hCard etc.
KartikPrabhu, tantek and brianloveswords joined the channel
[@Erkan_Yilmaz] #microformats2 works (1), thx @mmn for his work for GS
nice that (1) doesn't "complain" at all about t … https://fediverse.com/notice/66377 (http://twtr.io/njaby9trD6)
tantek, pfefferle, brianloveswords, caseorganic, shaners, robmorrissey, krendil, globbot and KartikPrabhu joined the channel