#microformats 2014-06-24

2014-06-24 UTC
robmorrissey, gRegor`_ and netweb_ joined the channel
@Greg447 1. MMen 2. Louie 3. GWife 4. GoT 5. Homel 6. Eps 7. Fargo 8. HCards 9. Arrow 10. OITNB p.s. Suits, Grace, Amers, WDead all exiled
KevinMarks, iSRAELiWORK and netweb joined the channel
robmorrissey and philipashlock joined the channel
KevinMarks and danbri joined the channel
whoa MMN-o, that's super exciting that GS will have mf2!
robmorrissey, robmorri_, ChiefRA and danbri joined the channel
danbri, eschnou, chiui, encolpe, pfefferle, waterbaby999, adactio and pfefferle_ joined the channel
@ajgagnon any chance to get data from hAuthor review plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/author-hreview/) into Edtion?
pfefferle_, krendil, philipashlock, chiui, pfefferle, statonjr, KartikPrabhu, elux, TallTed, gRegor` and dwayhs joined the channel
statonjr, chiui, eschnou, brianloveswords, pfefferle, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1, dwayhs, elux and tantek joined the channel
!tell MMN-o re: Operator code - primary author of Operator is Michael Kaply, sometimes here as mkaply.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Since 2000 (answer to a question in conversation): 1. Wire 2. M Men 3. G Wife 4. Homel 5. Sprnos hon ment: Louie, The L Word, S Park, HCards
pfefferle joined the channel
!tell MMN-o great news about GNU social master support for uf2! Do you have a URL to the change / pull request? Could you link to it from: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#Blogging_tools ?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic joined the channel
brianloveswords and krendil joined the channel
tantek: Primarily (the initial commit, some fixes have been made since) https://gitorious.org/social/mainline/commit/414a95a784294d63f4c636ef17e468db9428a446
I'll see what and where I could edit stuff on the wiki tomorrow or some other time I find time.
EsoRottica joined the channel
Hello folks, I'm developing a website with a protfolio section, is there a way to mark up this content as a portfolio?
Secondarily, I have a listing page of employees and a singluar page, is it okay to makr both up with hCard?
EsoRottica: hCard is an excellent start
you could mark up the portfolio section using hResume - especially if each portfolio item is representative of a specific client / time period of work
okay seems reasonable. For clients whom have had several projects completed, would it then be proper to list them multiple times?
Here is where I struggle with the hCard... Again, I have a listing page (where its easy to get ALL data in) and then a singular profile which actually contains less information
Can or SHOULD both pages contain the hCard info
Tantek, Thank you for your work. I've never imagined that I would get to thank you specifically. What adoption rate and in what amount time do you expect for your new specifications?
both pages
EsoRottica: afaik there is no problem with marking up both pages with hCard
EsoRottica: you're very welcome! we're seeing very rapid adoption of h-card, h-entry and other microformats2 in the #indiewebcamp community.
they're literal building blocks of key independent web functionality
Fantastic, I will be sure to include those as well.
people are posting new content with them and sharing them daily
Thank for the information on hCard -> I currently link to the singluar profile with the url attr to specify that as the homepage, albeit it contains less structured data on that page.
These portfolio items / projects, are the result of work from a web development company, they seem almost more suited as h-entries.
dwayhs, EsoRottica, caseorganic, robmorrissey, brianloveswords, KartikPrabhu, chiui and KevinMarks joined the channel