#microformats 2014-07-11

2014-07-11 UTC
dwayhs, Soopaman and Soopaman1 joined the channel
dwayhs, benward, voxpelli, rknLA, KartikPrabhu, edsu, globbot, lmjabreu_, jonnybarnes, krijnhoetmer_, bret, twisted`_, Rastus_Vernon, MMN-o, Exploter, hober, caseorganic, Hixie, netweb, iwaim, Soopaman1, Phae, aaronpk, tommorris, xxtjaxx, kylewm, Garbee, ChanServ, robmorrissey, gRegor`, brianloveswords, Soopaman and paintedbicycle joined the channel
dwayhs joined the channel
dwayhs, eschnou, chiui and KevinMarks joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+1559) "/* brainstorming */ Add resource hints values"
(view diff)
RCheesley_ joined the channel
dwayhs and pfefferle joined the channel
dwayhs joined the channel
adactio and lmjabreu_ joined the channel
dwayhs, jonnybarnes, pfefferle, robmorrissey, netweb, TallTed, dwayhs_, Soopaman, elux, brianloveswords, gRegor`, paintedbicycle, pfefferle_, mko and eschnou joined the channel
Soopaman, gRegor`, paintedbicycle, Expl0ter, eschnou, MMN-o and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
caseorganic, Hixie, Soopaman, eschnou, elux, KartikPrabhu, robmorrissey, Soopaman1, tantek, kylewm and Rastus_Vernon joined the channel