#microformats 2014-07-17

2014-07-17 UTC
caseorganic, brianloveswords, Soopaman, gRegor`, robmorrissey and KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, robmorri_, globbot, chiui, pfefferle, tobyink, RCheesley, krendil and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
barnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 7/9 at 2:41am: update for your consideration: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues#link_elements_and_u-_parsing
KevinMarks and pfefferle joined the channel
caseorganic, chiui, KevinMarks and Atamido joined the channel
edited /microformats2-parsing (+29) "/* parsing a p- property */ added resolution of relative URLs detail to p- parsing textContent"
(view diff)
edited /microformats2-parsing (+38) "/* parsing an e- property */ added URL resolution detail"
(view diff)
caseorganic and pfefferle joined the channel
Soopaman, caseorganic, TallTed and brianloveswords joined the channel
caseorganic, brianloveswords, tobyink_, globbot, RCheesley, robmorrissey, barnabywalters, gRegor`, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
brianloveswords, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, elux, gRegor`, encolpe and Rastus_Vernon joined the channel
FAMILY FILM DAY AT CAAM - 'TOM BRADLEY'S IMPOSSIBLE DREAM' - JULY 17, 2014 - 1PM/2PM/3PM - CAAM http://www.caamuseum.org/hcalendar/?eID=5743
KevinMarks2, KartikPrabhu, gRegor`, Atamido, Rastus_Vernon, DanC__, twisted`, kylewm, Hixie, lmjabreu, edsu, Garbee, Exploter and krijnhoetmer joined the channel