#microformats 2014-07-18

2014-07-18 UTC
tantek, KevinMarks2, Soopaman, MMN-o, gRegor`, kylewm, brianloveswords, trendynick, pfefferle, chiui, krendil, RCheesley, Garbee, barnabywalters and adactio joined the channel
Soopaman joined the channel
KartikPrabhu: I finally got around to reviewing some of the code from the PR you sent. Not fully done with reviewing yet, but mostly happy with it. :)
tommorris: good to know :)
mostly work by kylewm there
KartikPrabhu: hopefully I'll be merging stuff in on Sunday and maybe putting out a new release. ;)
MMN-o, serdar, pfefferle, trendynick and TallTed joined the channel
RCheesley, gRegor`, brianloveswords, KevinMarks2, brianlov_, pfefferle_, Soopaman, ChiefRA, tantek, Rastus_Vernon, KartikPrabhu and barnabywalters joined the channel