#microformats 2014-12-26

2014-12-26 UTC
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, Hixie_, globbot, Rastus_Vernon and ben_thatmust joined the channel
got pport pix done last wk when did hcard..look awful, u cant smile, she told me do neutral face cuz my eyes were still smilin. is urs good?
idk how hcard pic turned out yet, cant smile 4dat either, cuz they mail it 2u but dont show u but pport pix u get rt away. we shall see lol
KartikPrabhu, tantek, Garbee, krijnhoetmer, TallTed, ChanServ, xtof, mettekou, globbot, KevinMarks and gRegor` joined the channel