#microformats 2014-12-27

2014-12-27 UTC
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, prtksxna and tantek joined the channel
eschnou, KevinMarks, tantek, prtksxna, KartikPrabhu and Phyks joined the channel
hi, I'm trying to parse h-entry feeds and I have troubles to find which properties are mandatory and which one are not
especially, are all the properties listed on http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry really optionnal (as it is implicit in the doc, if I understand correctly) ?
prtksxna joined the channel
Phyks: i don't think any are mandatory
fields are only mandatory in the context in which you want the data to be consumed
ok, but imagine I want to consume a h-feed and this h-feed does not have a p-name property
then, how am I supposed to handle it ?
(or better, an empty p-name property)
am I supposed to find this info elsewhere (title of the page, etc ?) or am I supposed to consider this feed title is an empty string ?
(I am consuming h-feed in a similar way as RSS/ATOM for now, which may not be a good point of view… For these, some fields are mandatory such as pubDate and so on, and I can expect to rely on them)
eschnou, mettekou, tantek and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel