#microformats 2015-01-22

2015-01-22 UTC
tommorris: cool - can you add that as a new issue with that information here? http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues
will do
KartikPrabhu, tantek, krijnhoetmer, rhiaro_, globbot, myfreeweb, kez_, eschnou, ChiefRA, krendil, pfefferle, chiui, adactio, Musk, prtksxna, TallTed and gRegor` joined the channel
Hey everyone, look at my pass time project- HCalendar. It's open source check out its source code at GitHub. http://hitenpratap.github.io/Grails-Online-Calendar/
krendil, chiui, eschnou and tantek joined the channel