eschnou, alanpearce, willnorris, Garbee, GWG, Acidnerd, TallTed, tantek, adactio and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekedited /rsvp-brainstorming (+30) "link h-entry, rename tracking to interested, since "tracking" already means something different in web specs (e.g. tracking protection)" (view diff)
#tantekwe've got 5+ people posting RSVPs successfully, and they all seem to be parsed and consumed properly by those posting event posts, thus I am going to add p-rsvp as a draft property to h-entry.
#Loqibarnabywalters: ben_thatmust left you a message 3 weeks, 1 day ago: sure, I'll work on that. I had test cases around already, i just need to hit the logs
#Loqibarnabywalters: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 12/5 at 2:02pm: updated the pull request to include tests for new Area tag and to demonstrate previous error. Also fixed a problem with not being able to run phpunit on case sensitive filesystems and I have found 2 tests are failing. Will make bugs reports for those
#tantekcan you merge ben_thatmustbeme's pull request for phpmf2 for <area> support?
#tantekok I will give him that feedback when he gets back from bringing us Chipotle
#barnabywaltersin which case, no, not without writing them myself, or trying harder to persuade ben_thatmustbeme to write them, or helping him write them
#tantekin other news, we've got 5+ people posting RSVPs successfully, and they all seem to be parsed and consumed properly by those posting event posts, thus I am going to add p-rsvp as a draft property to h-entry.
#barnabywalterstantek: that’d be great, kinda busy over here in Turkey :)
#tantekTurkey?!? I thought you were in Iceland with aaronpk ?
#barnabywalterstantek: I wish I could have been, but a once-in-a-lifetime-type opportunity came up and I took it
#tantekedited /h-entry (+550) "/* Draft Properties */ add p-rsvp as draft property since 5+ people publishing it with different implementations, and all the event posts (numerous implementations) are properly consuming" (view diff)
#tantekedited /h-entry (+256) "/* Proposed Additions */ add u-like u-repost to proposed as discussed in IWC" (view diff)
KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1, barnabywalters and eschnou joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell barnabywalters I remember now where I left off with php-mf2 work, the phpunit tests that were there were not passing fully, specifically case sensitivity when parsing class names never passed for me. by looking at the repo history it looks like it never should have passed.
#Loqibarnabywalters: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 54 minutes ago: I remember now where I left off with php-mf2 work, the phpunit tests that were there were not passing fully, specifically case sensitivity when parsing class names never passed for me. by looking at the repo history it looks like it never should have passed.
#Loqibarnabywalters: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 53 minutes ago: I will include that fix in my eventual pull request for adding tag support
#tantekTigt yes you can specify any particular author on an h-entry's p-author h-card
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: okay, understood. My policy for contributions is that, if when you start there are failing tests, don’t worry about them too much, just add your tests, make sure *they* fail, add your changes, make sure *your* tests pass and that no others are failing, and you’re fine
#barnabywaltersI do need to sort out the failing tests though, so contributors have a less confusing, fragile environment to work in
#ben_thatmustbemebarnabywalters, its actually a pretty trivial change to fix that one. I'll see about submitting a fix for that case seperately
rknLA, willnorris, KartikPrabhu and Garbee joined the channel