#adiabaticnot that schema.org things and microformats things are mutually exclusive, but…why would I prefer to mark things up with microformats instead of schema.org things?
#tantekadiabatic: because it's less work, and microformats are far minimal and well thought out
#tantekas well based on existing standards, instead of making up whatever Google wants to make up (which they have a history of doing and abandoning)
#KartikPrabhuVendan: that^ is also a potential problem. How does one compare the final output when even 2 runs of mf2py yield differently sorted results
#KartikPrabhuVendan: that is fine. because it does fail the rel-urls test
#KartikPrabhumaybe there should be a way to say "wrong parsing" vs "not supported feature"
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: Im not sure I understand the problem. Any language that compares maps should handle arbitrary ordering
#KartikPrabhukylewm: so you think it should be possible to just have a text or json file for final output and python can read both the HTML source and the expected output?
#KartikPrabhuand compare them? I guess that is what the tests in mf2py are currently doing?