#tantekhaving KevinMarks try implementing his proposals to make sure they did what he needed for his use-cases was very handy
#tantekthat kind of implementation checking of resolutions something we should continue with - and it will also help show the priority of brainstorms/issues - if people are willing to try implementing the resolutions.
KevinMarks joined the channel
#kylewmtantek: sanity check -- is "value" meant to be inside or outside of "properties": {}
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#kylewmnm got it, outside. i need to fix that example to reflect that
#glennjones!tell kylewm looked into textContent output issue from yesterday and your parse is correct and the test is wrong. I will go through the tests this morning correcting any other textContent errors I can find
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 10 minutes ago: looks like Loqi stopped reporting wiki edits to this channel sometime after ~2015-10-28 22:30 PDT - compare IRC logs to http://microformats.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges
#aaronpk!tell tantek I've never touched the PHP parser internals... most I've done is added relative URL resolving
#Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 7 minutes ago: I've never touched the PHP parser internals... most I've done is added relative URL resolving
#tantekhow goes the parsing issues / brainstorming discussions?
#Loqikylewm: glennjones left you a message 9 hours, 35 minutes ago: looked into textContent output issue from yesterday and your parse is correct and the test is wrong. I will go through the tests this morning correcting any other textContent errors I can find
#kylewmhi tantek, two things. I was doing some/most of the timezone normalization in mf2py, which caused lots of test suite failures, so i rolled it back for now. but it is very easy to add back in. i'd be interested in how easy or difficult it is for other parsers to change. in mf2py at least we had to do a lot of machinations to get dates to parse correctly at all, by far the trickiest part of the spec
#aaronpkcan someone add test cases for whatever is being changed and I can go poke at the PHP parser to update it?
#tantekwhere 1) collect issues/brainstorms/proposals, 2) let people try implementing on their own incentive, 3) when there is consensus on a proposal AND proof of implementability, accept proposal
#Loqitantek meant to say: where 1) collect issues/brainstorms/proposals, 2) let people try implementing on their own incentive, 3) when there is consensus on a proposal AND proof & incentive for of implementability, accept proposal
#tantekaaronpk - I believe KevinMarks added test cases for the "rel-urls" change
#tantekkylewm, Nested h-* objects' "value" property was your proposal - presumably you can make or have test cases that verify your implementation of it?
#kylewmI added one to mf2py's tests (copy/pasted from the wiki), will build out a more thorough test for microformats/tests
#tantekalso - what do you think of the 1,2,3 steps above for making changes/updates to microformats2-parsing ?
#tantek(need to add use-case documentation in there somewhere - perhaps proposed resolutions that add things MUST document use-cases for each thing added?)
#KevinMarksno rel-urls tests in the shared test repository only in mf2py now
#kylewmthe problem is rel-urls affects *every* test case
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