#microformats 2015-10-10

2015-10-10 UTC
fuzzyhorns, kevinmarks and tantek joined the channel
hmm - looks like an upgrade to the PHP on the H2VX server has broken it
KevinMarks ^^^
i emaield them
I emailed the Yandex person who posted to W3C's public-vocabs list about it - and asked about microformats2 support - we'll see what happens!
hm, they only want org hcards
Не выполнено обязательное условие для структурированных сниппетов Яндекс.Справочника: it appears that your hCard microformat doesn't relate to an organization (the fn and org fields are different) This microformat is not currently supported by Yandex
did find all my events though when I tested my home page
vevents that is
are those mf1 ?
Vendan, eschnou and nitot joined the channel
@FeastAndGlory @missstephwalker there are quite a few plugins that seem to do it. If the plugin supports something called microformats..
tantek, joskar, eschnou, nitot, fuzzyhorns, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, Soopaman, ChiefRA, Garbee_, termie, Hixie_, krijnhoetmerbot, rhiaro__ and tommorris_ joined the channel
@adactio I'm guessing no one's paid much attention to the lessons learned over years by microformats efforts? cc @t
ben_thatmustbeme, tantek and fuzzyhorns joined the channel