#microformats 2015-10-11

2015-10-11 UTC
tantek, KartikPrabhu and Soopaman joined the channel
voxpelli, fuzzyhorns, tantek, Soopaman, elf-pavlik, nitot, nitot_ and joskar joined the channel
덕후 여러분들 새벽에 할 게 없으시면 최근 보신 애니 평가나 부탁드림다. http://www.haganai.me/index.php?mid=hreview
fuzzyhorns and nitot joined the channel
@stilkov The WHATWG settled on the microformats registry as the official “home” of link relations a while back.
Scene: 100 years into the future. An apocalyptic wasteland. Shouts on the radioactive wind: "... JSON-LD ...!" "... Microformats ...!"
nitot, eschnou, elf-pavlik_, KartikPrabhu, joskar, fuzzyhorns, tantek and uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
edited /h-card (+16) "/* Properties */ uid intended universal, and is now typically canonical URL"
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edited /h-entry (+45) "/* Properties */ uid intended universal, and is typically canonical entry URL / permalinks"
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