#microformats 2015-10-30

2015-10-30 UTC
tantek, nitot_, elf-pavlik, Phae, tommorris, voxpelli, gRegorLove, benward, twisted`, fuzzyhorns, KartikPrabhu and nitot joined the channel
Garbee and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
Фота дня. Свечкі на прыступках КДБ у памяць пра сталінскія рэпрэсіі: http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-10-30/photo https://twitter.com/kykyorg/status/660046342627151872/photo/1
edited /jf2 (-20) "/* Links */ correct link"
(view diff)
RT @kykyorg: Фота дня. Свечкі на прыступках КДБ у памяць пра сталінскія рэпрэсіі: http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-10-30/photo https://twitter.com/kykyorg/status/660046342627151872/photo/1
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
SEO Tips 2015 incorporating Schema and Microformats http://tinyurl.com/qza82mj
elf-pavlik joined the channel
RT @kykyorg: Фота дня. Свечкі на прыступках КДБ у памяць пра сталінскія рэпрэсіі: http://kyky.org/microformats/2015-10-30/photo https://twitter.com/kykyorg/status/660046342627151872/photo/1
TallTed, fuzzyhorns and davidmead joined the channel
edited /jf2 (-20) "/* Links */ actually fix the link, not just the label"
(view diff)
davidmead, gRegorLove and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns, KartikPrabhu, kevinmarks and dariusdunlap joined the channel