#microformats 2015-12-02

2015-12-02 UTC
KevinMarks_, tantek, KartikPrabhu and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
tantek, KevinMarks, gRegorLove, eschnou, KevinMarks_, nitot, andicascadesf, adactio, krijnhoetmer, fuzzyhorns and elf-pavlik joined the channel
@mahemoff @iandevlin @Paul_Kinlan @aerotwist Agreed. Pull Request to invert readme and doc homepage appreciated. Microformats preceded html5
eschnou, TallTed, nitot, fuzzyhorns, ivc, myfreeweb, Left_Turn, KevinMarks, krijnhoetmer, elf-pavlik, iwaim___, danielfilho, xdbr, globbot, voxpelli, ben_thatmustbeme, joskar, kylewm, Garbee, JonathanNeal, Phae, benward_, tommorris, bret, reidab, Zegnat, twisted`, KartikPrabhu, MeanderingCode, Erkan_Yilmaz, termie, edsu, rhiaro, Hixie_, hober, kevinmarks_, ChanServ, tantek, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, KevinMarks_, adactio and kevinmarks joined the channel
Added MicroFormats vocab to ActiviPy and demo'ed ActivityStreams, Microformats, and Linked Data all working in same lib at the SocialWG F2f
RT @dustyweb: Added MicroFormats vocab to ActiviPy and demo'ed ActivityStreams, Microformats, and Linked Data all working in same lib at th…
danielfilho, fuzzyhorns, Phae, benward_, tommorris, JonathanNeal, bret, voxpelli, twisted` and Calli joined the channel