#CalliOK. Need to think about it a bit. Did you consider a broader restriction:
#CalliPresence of any explicitly marked up p- property on the item (not element) prevents implied p- properties Presence of any explicitly marked up u- property on the item (not element) prevents implied u- properties
#kylewmtantek: could you clarify what is the use case here? "Due to indiewebcamp.com/edit use-case, this now makes sense for all implied properties."
#tantekkylewm - too long ago to easily reload that context in my head now / asynchronously - can you re-raise in person on Thursday and we can discuss then?
#tantekCalli - I did, and specifically avoided it to prevent too much blocking of implied p-name
#CalliThese are relevant test cases for whether the implied URL property would get a value from a different element or not:
#tantekCalli - if you have real world examples of <area> usage with microformats, or even real world examples of <area> usage that could *benefit* with addition of microformats, please provide the URLs as those would provide excellent emprical data to shape proposed solutions
#CalliI don't have any uses for area for my interests, I picked a test with A and AREA because of how the spec deals with only-of-type - needed an element that could be used forimplied URL prop that wasn't of the same type as A
#kevinmarksthe implied name there is from hfeed not h-feed
#Calliso i guess I don't know if I'll encounter h-feeds without names in the wild, but if I do...
#kylewmedited /microformats2-parsing-issues (+790) "/* implied properties when an explicit class is provided */ suggestion: split these out per property. I suspect it only affects u-url." (view diff)
#kevinmarksI wonder if implied name should include children or not
#kevinmarkstricky as with h-feed you probably don't want that, but with h-review of an h-card, you may
#tantekkevinmarks - yes, due to nested h-card or other structures, you do want that
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#Callikylewm makes good points about name and photo in his edit (namely that suggested changes won't really affect name because of the fallback to textContent and changes are possibly counterproductive for photo where it feels like presence of an image even if it's marked with another property is still strong enough evidence that the image is appropriate for the implied photo property)
#tantekbut it is only a soft concern, I can be swayed
#Calliwhich then makes me think that for simplicity sticking with existing spec is good enough
#CalliIs it better to provide an incorrect URL or no URL at all? How would an author detect either case? Do any of the parsers focus on authoring scenarios? Do any of them highlight implied properties or missing properties?
#CalliSo having considered it, I think I'm in the camp of leave the spec as it is
#tantekthat's very useful to know - please feel encouraged to note that in the issue!
#CalliI agree - but then my solution would be not to imply URL (or name or photo)
#CalliSeems like you're concerned with the authoring side of things and that's why you've gone for implied properties right? But how would an author be made aware that either they are missing a value for URL where it might be expected or they are getting a value that they might not expect?
#tantekthat is one of the reasons that I proposed the relatively simple rule of - if the author has specified a u-* property on an element, then no other u-* properties are implied.
#tanteksame with if the author has specified a p-* property, then no p-* properties are implied
#tantekby specifying properties on an element, you as an author signal that you want that element to mean/do precisely *this* (whatever those properties are), and *nothing* else.
#tantekthe cross-interaction of "if you specify a p-* property then no u-* props are implied" and "if you specify a u-* property then no p-* properties are implied" works via a different simplification
#tantekby specifying *any* property on an element, you as an author signal that you want that element to mean/do precisely *this* (whatever those properties are), and *nothing* else.
#tantekhence why the two proposals are listed there
#CalliOn a related note: When considering parsing spec changes, do you (the community) have a large body of MF2 data that you don't want to change the meaning of? Or are changes still acceptable? If you're trying to avoid radical reinterpretations of existing data, do you have a crawler or some other means of getting hold of it?
#tantekwe haven't gotten quite to that point yet - though there is a growing amount of indieweb data based on mf2
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#CalliMore random thoughts about implied properties: Why doesn't implied name generate text content like an explicit p- property (which does converts imgs to their alt/src attributes insertion)? Is that difference intentional?