#microformats 2015-12-07

2015-12-07 UTC
fuzzyhorns joined the channel
fuzzyhorns, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
After four hours fussing around with CSS, I think I’m done for a while. Microformats, taxonomies, and navigation can all come later.
MeanderingCode, KevinMarks, tantek, gRegorLove, KevinMarks__, glennjones, eschnou, adactio and uf-wiki-visitor joined the channel
@microformats if I have a photo (u-photo), does the class need to be on the img tag or can it be added to parent div. Needed for styling.
eschnou joined the channel
benward_ joined the channel
tantek, eschnou and TallTed joined the channel
benward_ joined the channel
ManpowerGroup.fr : au service des entreprises, á l’écoute du marché http://www.manpowergroup.fr/atelier-de-lemploi-devient-hreview/ via ManpowerGroupFR #emploi #recrutement
RT @dustyweb: Added MicroFormats vocab to ActiviPy and demo'ed ActivityStreams, Microformats, and Linked Data all working in same lib at th…
forwarding a lazyweb microformats request: https://twitter.com/JoMangee/status/669617322525507584
tantek: kylewm left you a message on 12/4 at 12:56pm: we forgot to talk about explicit overriding implied properties yesterday!
[@JoMangee] Anyone written an #hcard #xfn export of @TradeMe's Old Friends profile to save data before the shutdown? #lazyweb http://www.oldfriends.co.nz/Help.aspx?help_id=46
kylewm: indeed oops!
RT @JoMangee: Anyone written an #hcard #xfn export of @TradeMe's Old Friends profile to save data before the shutdown? #lazyweb https://t.…
!tell kylewm maybe we can discuss explicit overriding implied properties in person 2015-12-16 HWC?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eschnou and glennjones joined the channel
glennjones and eschnou joined the channel
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
!tell KevinMarks, kylewm does this make it a little clearer? http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/jf2-core.html#reservedkeywords
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
glennjones_ joined the channel
Blogged.. Things and Happenings: modelling the social web http://rhiaro.co.uk/2015/12/things-happenings @SocialWebWG #activitystreams2 #microformats2
gRegorLove joined the channel
What's going on at #SLT this month? End 2015 outdoors at one of the many outdoor activities planned! #getoutside http://solanolandtrust.org/CalendarList.aspx?hCalendar=1
ben_thatmustbeme: that is clearer, but you should call out the singe category/ multiple category examples to distinguish
KevinMarks_: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 45 minutes ago: does this make it a little clearer? http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/jf2-core.html#reservedkeywords
also example 12 doesn't preserve the HTML
ah yes, thanks, i need to update the examples in there, they are still copypasta from the original doc
KevinMarks_: what exactly did you mean that i should call out? you mean a section explaining the single / multi value stuff better?
example12 has been fixed
yes, the category:{"one","two"] vs category:"one" thing
yes, the category:["one","two"] vs category:"one" thing
stray shift key there, sorry
well any field can have that, not just category
" All values in JF2 MAY contain either a single item, or a set of items, serialized as an array. The only exception are reserved words defined below. "
fnordle joined the channel
I know, I meant put category in as an example
people read examples first
yes they do
Examples 1 and 2 show both as possible
Phae joined the channel
I'd rewrite "Values may also be arrays if the vocabulary allows for multiple values of the property."
If a property has a single value, it MUST be a string. If it has multiple values it MUST be an array. See category in examples 1 and 2 below.
I mean, you can probably allow category:["Posts"] to parsed but would flag it in a validator
tantek and benward_ joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
RT @solanolandtrust: #Volunteer at #LynchCanyon on 12/11. A chance to get outside & get dirty! Details here: http://solanolandtrust.org/CalendarList.aspx?hCalendar=1 https:…
eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel