#microformats 2015-12-08

2015-12-08 UTC
tommorris and danielfilho joined the channel
edited /hrecipe (+392) "/* related pages */"
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edited /hrecipe (-188) "/* related pages */"
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davidmead joined the channel
edited /jf2 (-30) "correct links for jf2"
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@jgarber Awesome! I'm working on an app that I think could totally benefit from hcalendar (which I see is now h-event). Thanks!
KartikPrabhu and glennjones joined the channel
@mrcoulson Ah, yeah, there’s a lot of good stuff in microformats v2. Much easier to implement, as well. Let me know if I can be of any help!
tantek and eschnou joined the channel
KevinMarks__, KartikPrabhu1 and tantek joined the channel
KevinMarks and eschnou joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+69) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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adactio, KartikPrabhu1 and glennjones joined the channel
まあ、そんなもんかなあ、みたいな/>第11章 microformats はほとんど使われていません。現在 microformats の代わりになるものが Microdata や RDFa Lite です。第12章 Atom もあまり使われていませんが、
RT @tmhwq: Microformats と Atom に関する書きっぷりが哀しい / “RESTful#とは勉強会12 · GitHub” https://gist.github.com/tkawa/c33b7c265afdd5c3c827
Microformats と Atom に関する書きっぷりが哀しい / “RESTful#とは勉強会12 · GitHub” https://gist.github.com/tkawa/c33b7c265afdd5c3c827
tantek, fnordle and glennjones joined the channel
TallTed, tantek, JohnBeales, gRegorLove, nitot and myfreeweb joined the channel
tantek, eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel