#microformats 2015-12-11

2015-12-11 UTC
tantek, nitot, fuzzyhor_, KartikPrabhu and davidmead joined the channel
tantek, nitot, Calli, fuzzyhor_, eschnou, Left_Turn, mouserat and adactio joined the channel
edited /hcard (+17) "/* Properties */ redlinking [[phone number]]"
(view diff)
fuzzyhor_, mouserat, tantek and TallTed joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
eschnou, nitot_, tantek and nitot joined the channel
Favorite #Mozlando moment: Working with @mixedpuppy @dietrich reviewing @GlennJones #microformats parser for #Firefox! (ttk.me t4ef4)
kylewm: re: https://twitter.com/kylewmahan/status/649287894520066049 I keep leaning more towards *not* implying a p-name if there are any specified p-* properties. I think that would handle the 99% use-case of implied p-names, as well as likely avoid most "noisy" p-names.
[@kylewmahan] sometimes i really strongly believe that h-entry needs an explicit p-title property #microformats
kylewm: if you think that approach has merit, could you open a new issue about that (since you raised it on Twitter) on http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing-issues? This is different (even more restrictive) than "implied properties when an explicit class is provided (on the same element)"
fnordle, nitot and glennjones joined the channel
RT @t: Favorite #Mozlando moment: Working with @mixedpuppy @dietrich reviewing @GlennJones #microformats parser for #Firefox! (ttk.me t4ef4)
nitot joined the channel