#microformats 2015-12-12

2015-12-12 UTC
fuzzyhor_, nitot and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
It's 7pm on a Friday night and I'm elbow deep in SQL, rdfa, microformats and the javascript to tie them together. #nerdlife
fuzzyhor_, nitot, KartikPrabhu, tantek, eschnou, warehouse13, aaronpk and glennjones joined the channel
We've #played with #microformats. Love the #idea of #marking up our #business data to #machines as well as #humans! #Dev #ireland #UK
nitot, fuzzyhor_, JonathanNeal_, Phae_, reidab_, benward__, Zegnet, twisted`_, fnordle, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
tantek: interesting idea about implicit names. it's pretty common to make an h-entry with just e-content, u-url, and dt-published...do you think e-* properties should also override p-name?
kylewm: tantek left you a message on 12/7 at 7:16am: maybe we can discuss explicit overriding implied properties in person 2015-12-16 HWC?
kylewm: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 12/7 at 8:46am: does this make it a little clearer? http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/jf2-core.html#reservedkeywords
kylewm: yes that makes sense (only imply p-name in the absence of any e-* or p-*)
tantek, fuzzyhor_, nitot and eschnou joined the channel