#microformats 2016-02-15

2016-02-15 UTC
fuzzyhorns, Calli, KartikPrabhu and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
RT @fairfield4fun Come celebrate Valentine's Day weekend with the Solano Land Trust and nature's own valentines at Rockville Trails... http://solanolandtrust.org/CalendarList.aspx?hCalendar=1
Come celebrate Valentine's Day weekend with the Solano Land Trust and nature's own valentines at Rockville Trails... http://solanolandtrust.org/CalendarList.aspx?hCalendar=1
rhiaro joined the channel
arthurspooner, fuzzyhorns, adactio, Phae and dogada joined the channel
arthurspooner joined the channel
benward___ joined the channel
adactio, fuzzyhorns, dogada, KartikPrabhu and Left_Turn joined the channel
mf2util 0.2.12: Python Microformats2 utilities, a companion to mf2py https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mf2util/0.2.12
#python mf2util 0.2.12: Python Microformats2 utilities, a companion to mf2py https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mf2util/0.2.12
tantek, arthurspooner and fuzzyhorns joined the channel
KevinMarks, ben_thatmustbeme, gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
listening to the gilmore gang. hey guys: i'm free if you need an expert on microformats.